A friend of mine sent me this picture the other day. I was so taken by the beauty, it instantly made me want to write. This truly brings peace to my soul. I was reminded of Hebrews 11:1 “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.”

This may just be a normal run of the mill picture to some people, but to me this represents my life’s journey. The tracks represent where I’ve been, and where I’m supposed to go. The represent my reality, my desire to escape or to move on. They are the things that I can see, the things that I can touch, the things that are so easy to believe in because they are right there. But as I look deeper into the picture the tracks fade into the horizon and “reality” becomes a bit hazy, a bit scary because I don’t know what is ahead. That’s when my faith kicks in. I have to force myself to continue moving forward even when the uncertainty prevails. (And let’s be honest the amount of uncertainty we have ALL faced this year is ridiculous!) I look behind me and see that the tracks have been steady on my journey, they have led me to where I am right now. They never failed me, never gave up on me. It may have gotten bumpy along the way, but the tracks were a solid foundation to bring me to the point I am at right now. (The tracks represent my relationship with my God – my faith, my hope, the never wavering, steadfast belief that God’s got this).

God will never make a promise that he won’t keep. I can look back on my life and undoubtedly see his faithfulness and goodness all through my journey. Did I want the bad parts to happen? Nope, not even one little bit. But God is so good. Even though his plan for my life may have taken a sharp turn and has taken longer than I want – if I stay on the tracks – I will never be led astray. My confidence is in the hope that God’s timing is perfect, that his wisdom will continually guide me. (Romans 8: 24-25). It would be so easy for me to derail from God’s goodness – winds of temptation are all around me. I have to keep my eyes focused on the end of the tracks – on his plan. Because He is better than anything I could hope for or imagine. I can only see as far as my humanness will allow me, and I have to keep moving forward in order to see where the end of the tracks take me.