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It’s been such a long time since I have written anything.  I went through a bad slump, I think. I would literally sit and try to think of something to say and nothing would come!  It’s very frustrating to have a writers block that lasts for months on end!  But it’s a new year and I have decided that I should move past it and get back into the swing of things with writing.

With that being said, why is it so hard to stick with things?  It’s like the new year comes around and you have all these goals and ideas on how to make your year better than the last!  Not that I had a bad year last year, but as time moves on you forget what you said at the beginning of the year.  Old habits crop back in and your new year just ends up blending in with the last.  I think every year I have the same goals…

Read my Bible more – Actually read the WHOLE Bible

Eat healthier

Drink A LOT more water

Actually stick with my daily exercise plan

Have more one on one time with my hubby

Yell less at the kids – be a better mom

Write more because it is my sanity saver

Finish school every day with the kids

Keep the house clean

And each year I stick with it for a time, and then life just moves in and one by one each goal goes out the window.  This year, however, I wasn’t even able to start off on the right foot at all.  My family and I ended up getting the flu super bad and it slowly made it’s way through each person.  So, as sad as it is to say, I haven’t even really been able to start up on my goals for the year.


I suppose that this will be my belated New Years post!  I am taking a step in the right direction 🙂