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Fancy title, eh?  I didn’t want to sit here and try to think of something catchy so I just went generic.  I have been asked by a number of people why I stopped blogging.  I don’t really have an answer.  Writer’s block?  Maybe.  Not wanting to write about the same stuff over and over again and bore anyone who reads my blog… yeah… that’s probably more like it.  I tend to worry over the same things every single day.  I tend to  feel bogged down by the very thing that God wants my purpose in life to be.  I hate feeling like I am complaining about the path that God wants me on.  I feel like that is a terrible thing for me to do.  I pray to God…. “Dear Lord, please show me what you want me to do with my life. Amen”  And the Lord’s response to me is “OK Heather, I would like for you to be a stay at home mom, watch all these other amazing kids, and homeschool your children.  Can you do that?”  I say back, “Oh Lord it’s like you read my mind!  That is EXACTLY what I want to do with my life!”


5 years later…. I still can’t imagine myself doing anything else with my life.  I love exactly where I am doing exactly what I am doing… I just wish that I could do it a little bit better!  Which is why I complain… I can’t keep up with my impossible standards of what a stay at home, homeschoolin’ mama is supposed to look like.  I have undone laundry that is piled to the ceiling downstairs while the clean laundry is thrown all over the floor just so we can find that one pair of underwear that my husband seems to need every day! 😉 Dishes are always piled in the sink and the dishwasher is always full of all the dirty dishes from the day before because I keep forgetting to run the darn thing, so now we are out of spoons and my kids have started eating their yogurt with straws.  Good thing I don’t buy the chunky yogurt!  The dogs water dish has been on empty for the past hour and she keeps asking to go outside just so she can lap up the water in the pool that I still haven’t put away because summer is “over”.  And now we started up our school year last week, so I have piles of worksheets that my kids have done and since they have no proper home  they just sit on top of my microwave waiting for me to find a home for them, which is in the 3 inch 3 ring binder that is still sitting on the shelf at Target.  And as I look at the microwave I remember that my coffee from 3 hours ago is still sitting on the counter half drunk so I warm it up in said microwave only to be distracted by the wrestling match going on in the living room between the boys all while the dog yelping at the back door because she’s been outside for way longer than she wanted to be – even though I know in 5 minutes she’ll want to go out again and bark at the squirrels that are collecting nuts in yard.  And if she’s lucky she will catch one of them and kill it and then proudly come to me with her prize! (Like the one pictured below that she killed the other day)


I love my life.  It really is a God-given life.  For all the mess that my house is… it means that I am doing other things.  I am keeping my attention on my kids schooling, I am making sure that the boys don’t hurt themselves as the living room becomes a wrestling match ring, I am making sure that my kids are learning how to treat each other with love and kindness, I am feeding my kids good food to fill their tummies.  Would I like for my house to be a little more spic and span, have all the laundry done, dishes done, and have the dogs water bowl always filled, and make sure my hubby has clean underwear every day?… you betcha!  But right now, God has a higher calling for me, and that is the ministry of my kids and every single other kid that comes through the front door of my house.  Will I be able to have it all together every single day of the week?  HAHAHAHA… that would be a superpower I think, and I do believe all my close friends would wonder what happened to the real me!


These kids are my pride and joy. They are what make my blogging sporadic, my house a pig-sty, and my hair fall out. But…. they are the loves of my life, and I will take all of that if it means I get to be with them every single day.

So, with that… I leave you for another day.  My goal will be to blog more, be real more (even if I end up repeating myself over and over again).  Until next time….