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Oh, My Dear Sweet Girl…

I know that right now you are wishing that fairy godmother’s existed.  You are wishing that you could make that one wish to have all your dreams come true with the flick of a magic wand.  You might be wishing that you could take back something that you said out anger.  You might be wishing that you could take away that one horrible mistake that was made by you or your other half.  You might be wishing that things would be back to the way they once were.  You might be wishing for that do-over… that “let’s start from scratch” moment.  You might be wishing that the fear, the disappointment, the trials, the failures, the despair, the depression, the anxiety, the rejection, the insecurity, the <fill in the blank> would just go away.  Forever.

Oh, how I wish that I could wrap my arms around you so tight and tell you that everything is going to be alright.  How I wish that I could take away all the pain.  The pain that you have shoved and buried deep in your soul.  That pain that you don’t want anyone else to see ever.   How I wish I could wipe away all the tears that have been shed, and all the tears that will be shed.  How I wish that I could say that it will get better.  Oh how I wish I could take your feelings of brokenness away and patch up the scars that you think define who you are.  Oh, how I wish…

Sometimes life just really sucks.  Sometimes life deals you a really, really crappy hand.  Sometimes life just doesn’t ever feel like it will return to normal.  Sometimes life makes you feel like you are living on a broken record with no way of getting off the endless spinning.  It’s in those times of pure and utter madness that you need to remember who you are…

4fe7722b993d413fb6beaf16e4e13ddaOh, my dear sweet girl, nothing ever makes sense in the midst of the storm.  The nightmare that you are walking through might be something you feel like you won’t ever wake up from.  You feel alone… so alone.  You might feel like you are unloved… or worse unloveable.  You are suffocating from the fears, from the darkness that consumes you.

But in that extreme darkness, there is hope… Even when you don’t see it.  There is always hope.  When these storms come up, sweet girl, you always have a choice.  You have to choice to walk through the storm with you God, your husband, your trusted friends.  You have the choice to know that God’s got this even when we can’t see the end…even in the times when you can’t believe you have to walk through this storm again.  God’s got this.  Will it be easy?  No way.  Will it be the hardest thing you have ever done?  You bet!  Will it be worth it in the end?  Always.


You are not called to walk through life with the weight of the world on your shoulders. You are called to cast your anxiety on Him, and know that He will take these burdens from you.  He will carry them.  He already nailed them to the cross and all you have to do is let go of the hammer and trust that He really does have this whole thing under control, sweet girl.  I wish that I could help you ease the burden, but I can’t.  Only you have the power to let go, and let God take control.  And once you have let go… it will be amazing to see how far God can take you, take your husband, your marriage, and your family.

Trust that you will overcome whatever you are struggling with.  Know you are loved.  Know you are lovable.  Know that you can let go of the control and that things will work out according to God’s design.  He won’t fail you.
